Trusted by Professionals

Around the World

Why choose us?

Read what some of our 2000+ students say

I vividly remember my years at UNIC Global Training… golden years indeed. I would do it all over again… walk up the stairs of the campus, take the first free seat, ask the question, order the meal, wave goodbye, send emails, sit the exam… and succeed! Cheers to the wonderful staff, instructors, lecturers, administrators and friends!

Ward Wehbeh Christofi 

Financial Manager, Unifrutti Group

“Participating at the seminars organized by UNIC Global Training has been a constructive experience. The seminars were well organized. The topics and content of the seminars were very interesting and up to date with the current reality and developments of the industry. The presenters, being experts in their fields, substantially contributed to this learning experience, by offering participants the knowledge and practical understanding of the subject matters presented.”

George Hadjipavlou, Director, Head of Compliance @Oneworld Ltd

“The support provided by the staff was remarkably helpful, particularly as I had started ACA studies in 2012 as an independent student. It was a worthwhile investment of both time and money, as my everyday interaction with the UNIC Global Training people was the driver for my future career path in the tax advisory arena. I do miss everything from my professional studies!”

George Micouris, Tax Manager – K. Treppides & Co Ltd

“Great professionals! Always next to their students, offering the best material and resources. Their dedication to success helped me to achieve the impossible and be awarded three International ACA Awards/Orders of Merits”.

Chara Skordi (ACA Graduate, ICAEW Triple Worldwide Prizewinner) Assistant Manager, Big Four

“I completed my ACA qualification with UNIC Global Training in 2017 and I am a proud alumna. Excellent cooperation, experienced tutors, supportive administration staff and had an overall amazing experience! I highly recommend UNIC Global Training”.

Irene Kyriacou, Financial Controller

”UNIC Global Training has provided me with all necessary tools to be successful in my ACA examinations. Tutors were friendly and inspiring, taking the time to not just teach, but also interact and discuss work and career development. I have no hesitation in highly recommending UNIC Global Training to other potential ACA students”.

Andreas Vasiliou, Vice President at JPMorgan Chase & Co (London)

“Thank you UNIC Global Training for running excellent and enjoyable seminars. Your seminars helped me improve my knowledge in the Compliance field. The instructors were excellent at keeping us engaged and explaining the concepts in an applicable way”.

Pavlina Mesi, Chief Compliance and AML Officer @Holiway Investments Ltd

Preferred Partner of the Big4

Consistency and Commitment to Excellence and Professionalism

We take great pride that the leading firms of the financial industry at large have entrusted us over the years the training of their professional qualification trainees and employees. Notably, their “trust” in UNIC Global Training has been sealed with exclusive collaboration agreements, for fulfilling their training needs- across our 4 training centres.

We engage in exclusive agreements with leading international accounting firms such as BDO, Deloitte, EY, Grant Thornton, KPMG and PwC, as well as numerous local and international firms of the financial sector.

It is also worth noting that most of our corporate clients are long-term with many collaborations counting more than 25 years – proving our consistency and commitment to excellence, professionalism and impeccable customer service!