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Life Changing Ideas, the pioneering series of talks by the University of Nicosia and UNIC Global Training, present Steve Martin, CEO of INFLUENCE AT WORK (UK) and Visiting Professor of Behavioural Science at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Business.

He is co-author of the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and Business Week International bestseller Yes!50 Secrets from the Science of Persuasion, which to date has sold a million copies and has been translated into 26 languages.

Steve’s work has featured in broadcast and print media across the world, including BBC TV and Radio, MSNBC, The Times, Sunday Telegraph, Guardian, New York Times and Wired. Over 2 million people read his regular business columns, including his ‘Persuasion’ page in the British Airways inflight magazine.



“We live in a world where proven facts, verifiable data, and actual truths are freely and widely available.So why are self-confident ignoramuses so often believed?

Why are thoughtful experts so often given the cold shoulder?

And why do people listen to men like Donald Trump?”

In this ground-breaking talk Stephen Martin will identify the powerful, hidden forces that result in some people becoming society’s prevailing Messengers while others end up woefully ineffectual or under-represented.

Furthermore, Steve Martin will explore:

  • Who is a hard and who is a soft messenger
  • Hard Messengers possess or appear to possess elevated status and their success depends on Socio-Economic position, Competence, Dominance and Attractiveness.
  • Soft Messengers are characterized by a sense of “connectedness” and their success depends on Warmth, Vulnerability, Trustworthiness and Charisma.
  • What sort of Messenger are you?
Steve Martin’s talk is inspired by his Book ‘Messengers: Who we listen to, Who we don’t, and Why’.
For further information and to buy your tickets online, visit the Life Changing Ideas: www.ideas.unic.ac.cy or contact us at 77778030 | lci@globaltraining.org