Dear UNIC Global Training Students

We hope that you are well and keeping safe during these challenging times. We would like to reassure you that UNIC Global Training in conjunction with the University of Nicosia, our Founder, is making every effort to provide you with safe and high-quality teaching and learning environment. As always, your health and wellbeing remain our highest priority.

Therefore, in anticipation of the start of the final quarter of the year 2020, we would like to inform you of the following important developments as a result of the latest decision by the University.

  1. All professional programmes of study will be offered, always subject to existing conditions at the time, using one of the following modes of delivery:
  • Online
  • Face-to-Face with physical presence
  • Hybrid (partly online and partly Face-to-Face with physical presence)
  1. As from the 11th of September and onwards, we will continue to deliver the tuition phase for the ACA and ACCA using our live online platform with recordings always being made available.
  2. However, and always subject to the conditions existing at the timewe would aim to return back to class for the revision classes.
  3. If we return to class for the revision classes, we will continue to offer live online to those students that would feel safer to remain at home. Our key priorities always remain the smooth running of the courses, the proper preparation for your upcoming exams, with minimal disruptions and changes, and of course, the protection of the health and safety of our staff and students.
  1. We will thus continue with our live online delivery, and review the situation just before the revision classes.

In Conclusion, the current public health challenge has meant we have had to rethink how we go about our lives, including how we study and learn. For our part, we are confident that UNIC Global Training has met the challenge successfully, making full use of technology, embracing work-and-study-from-home, and drawing on a decade of experience in distance learning education.

Stay safe, stay well, and rest assured that UNIC Global Training is there for you.