The CFA Level II early registration deadline for the August 2022 exam sitting, is around the corner on February 9th, so don’t miss it if you want to onboard on your CFA Level II Exams.

Our CFA courses at UNIC Global Training, through our exclusive collaboration with Kaplan Schweser, commence on February 26th and lead to the August 2022 Exam siting.

By registering, you will hence be given access to the Kaplan Schweser online platform and to the respective best-selling materials.

Furthermore, it is worth emphasising that both tuition and revision will be delivered by the leading Kaplan Schweser expert tutors through an exclusive course developed for UNIC Global Training.

🌐 Find out more information on timetables, brochure, and enrolment forms here

📧 Should you have any further queries or need further information, please contact Caroline Davidian at