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Get Informed

Get Informed

About the Presentation:

Everything you need to know for a successful career in Finance Sector.

New Career Prospects in Accounting and Finance, will be presented by an ACCA Representative during the joint event of ACCA and UNIC Global Training

28  November 2019  at 18:00

UNIC Global Training premises  

265 Mesogeion ave., (Holargos metro station)

A Network Cocktail will follow!

The Speakers

George Lambertides
About UNIC Global Training

Abdul Goffar
About ACCA

Manos Kapizionis
About ACCA Members in Greece

Karolina Siskos
Courses and Syllabus

Marios Gkikas
MY ACCA story

Kosmas Manetas
I am an ACCA Student