Olivia Parpa has studied Law at Bristol University and then trained to qualify as a Chartered Accountant with the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ACA). Olivia is a long-standing associate of UNIC Global Training, having delivered lectures for many professional structured courses and seminars. Seminar topics that she has delivered in the past include topics on: MIFID II, MIFIR, EMIR legislation, Capital Adequacy Rules, AML Directive, Market Abuse Directive, Transparency Rules, the role of the Compliance Unit, the Money Laundering Unit and the Risk Unit as well as the application of the Corporate Governance rules of the Cyprus Stock Exchange. Since the MiFID application in Cyprus 2007, she has been the leading UNIC Global Training lecturer for the Cyprus Investment Firm Employees’ certification issued by CySEC.

Olivia is an associate trainer at UNIC Global Training and has delivered about 950 hours of teaching for the CIF course since 2007, both open and in-house courses, in Cyprus and abroad, through classroom and Live Online tuition.